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The summer of 2023 was another disappointing season for the renowned purple martin roost at Umstead bridge in Manns Harbor, N.C.  As weather permitted in July, we invited interested people to join Gail Hutchison on Wednesday evenings around 8 p.m. at the BeBop pier on the west end of the bridge for an informal talk about this roost. We also maintained our presence on our Facebook  and responded to e-mail inquiries. Beginning in the summer of 2020, we have not seen the pheonomenal pre-migration gathering of martins here. We have learned of roosts in eastern North Carolina that have been growing in recent summers, so our birds may prefer another location. The Coastal Carolina Purple Martin Society nest house on the Manns Harbor shore of the bridge has had a great 2023 season, as have many other local landlords. Thanks for your support. 

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